We are partnering with Women’s Worldwide Web (W4) this Mother’s Day to empower women in Guatemala. When you give on the W4 platform in tribute of a mother in your own life, you can send her an e-card letting her know how she has impacted your life. Every gift empowers the women we serve in Guatemala, and if we raise $20,000 in tributes, W4 will match that amount, doubling your gift’s impact!
You can find her…
…early in the morning, kneeling on rocks in a nearby river, washing laundry before her children’s eyes are even open for the day.
…in the heat of the afternoon sun, with her youngest child strapped to her back, working in an onion field, only taking breaks to make lunch and dinner for her family.
…late at night, by the light of a fire while the rest of her family is in bed, embroidering to make some extra income to send her children to school.
In Guatemala, mothers like Rosario, pictured above with one of her six children, are the first in their families to wake up and the last to go to bed. In these margins of the day, they are giving of themselves to invest in the futures of their families. In any culture, mothers are driven and selfless, but in the Western Highlands of Guatemala, where women are marginalized and poverty seems endemic, this selflessness and drive is the only way to create generational change.
This Mother’s Day, will you partner with us to empower mothers like Rosario in Guatemala? You’ll be able to send an e-card to a mother in your own life, thanking her for the ways she has impacted you…and you’ll simultaneously be honoring and empowering mothers in Guatemala.