Empower women. Eliminate poverty.


How we plan to use technology to serve women in Guatemala during the COVID-19 crisis


Everything has changed. It’s true for the whole world and for the work we do at Friendship Bridge for vulnerable women in Guatemala. All our in-person operations have stopped and in just a few short weeks, we’ve turned everything around. How did we do it?

Like you, we are using technology in new and creative ways to continue providing invaluable services to our clients. We wrote 3 weeks ago about the steps we’ve taken to prepare and support them through this challenge from afar. Not only are we calling clients to address their concerns about COVID-19, we are also striving to continue regular business operations while treating staff responsibly.

We adapted quickly, but not without costs and challenges. With your help, we are now ready to take the next step and use this time to strategically strengthen our position and continue empowering Guatemalan women to build a better life.


Friendship Bridge is seeking to raise $30K to support women in Guatemala through technology solutions. A group of generous donors answered our call for support and together are offering a match on all donations up to a total of $30k until May 8th 2020. Thank you to Christy and Geoff Hoyl, Katie Kitchen and Paul Kovach, and Brandi and Dave Mason for providing Friendship Bridge with this generous match. Double your gift today. Donate now to help us carry out our plan to use technology to solve the problems this crisis is creating.


• Although Guatemala is a poor country, many clients own a cellphone. When our facilitators call clients, they can continue their relationships with women who may be afraid and worried about how they will earn money. They can offer exemplary customer service, provide information that is accurate, show care, and comfort our clients during a time of uncertainty.

• Our calls in mid-March gave us real, on the ground information regarding the level of knowledge, clients have about the situation and their concerns. The calls gave us the opportunity to prepare clients to confront the situation, demonstrate our commitment to them, and get feedback on what might be the best solutions or interventions in response to the crisis.




  • We have 11 nurses in our Health for Life Program who are ready to provide telehealth services to our clients to keep them safe and informed.
  • In partnership with Maya Health Alliance, our nurses will be able to call clients to discuss symptoms, provide healthcare education, and direct women on treatments as needed. When reliable and trustworthy information is scarce in Guatemala, our clients will have access to accurate healthcare education and share it with their communities.



  • We have over 170 staff in Guatemala who will begin using our new INTRANET, our new internal communications tool, to receive timely, imperative, and streamlined organization-wide communications from Friendship Bridge online.
  • We are also using this time strategically to take advantage of remote learning opportunities during restrictive shelter-in-place orders. With the use of an online learning platform, staff will be trained on customer service, emotional intelligence, and responsible loan collections practices from the safety of their homes.



As you know, Friendship Bridge works with the poorest of the poor. We have a proven record of helping women and their families climb out of poverty and the need for microcredit will be greater than ever once this pandemic is behind us. To weather this storm, Friendship Bridge needs your help now.

Can you make a donation today? We’ll put it right to work by being Here for Her through technology solutions.



Giving Tuesday: #GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of giving and unity that has been moved up and will now take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. Join the movement and donate to Friendship Bridge today.

CARES Act Charitable Giving Incentive: Includes a new above-the-line deduction (universal or non-itemizer deduction that applies to all taxpayers) for total charitable contributions of up to $300. The incentive applies to contributions made in 2020 and would be claimed on tax forms next year. The bill also lifts the existing cap on annual contributions for those who itemize, raising it from 60 percent of adjusted gross income to 100 percent.

ReFUND Colorado: Now you can give some or all of your Colorado State income tax refund to Friendship Bridge. Choose Friendship Bridge with registration number 20033005126 in the “Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit” line on your Colorado state income tax return or software. You may also share this information with your tax preparer.