Empower women. Eliminate poverty.


Gardening for a Good Cause – Foothills Circle

[do action=”image-right”]2013/06/FoothillsCircleDayofGardeningWalsh.jpeg[/do]Each year the Foothills Circle donates three hours of garden labor to the silent auction at the Building Bridges Gala.  Over the years, this has become one of the most popular items at the Gala and we appreciate all the time donated by the green thumbs in Foothills Circle.

There was no rest for them this spring as they have already completed three days with three lucky auction winners.  Last weekend they had a lovely, cool, shady time planting containers, moving perennials, planting new perennials after adding LOTS of natural soil amendments. Now if they could just work some magic to keep the elk and rodents at bay!

This is just one fun, unique way our circles give back to Friendship Bridge.  Keep this beautiful garden picture in mind when bidding at 2014 Building Bridges Gala!