In April, Friendship Bridge was acknowledged for its leadership in the use of Social Performance Management (SPM) by two organizations that are leading the way in promoting the importance of SPM in the microfinance industry: Grameen Foundation and MIX.
[do action=”image-right”]2014/05/PPI_logo-2-e1399657692416.png[/do]In its recent report, 2014 Global Report on Poverty Measurement with the Progress Out of Poverty Index, Grameen Foundation highlighted Friendship Bridge along with seven other organizations who exemplify best practices using the Progress Out of Poverty Index (PPI), a poverty measurement tool for organizations with a mission to serve the poor. Nearly three quarters of PPI users (142) are MFIs. Friendship Bridge was an early user of the tool, evincing our commitment to serving our clients in the best ways possible. [do action=”image-right”]2014/05/MIX-Market-logo-2-e1399658803321.png[/do]MIX has long promoted transparency among microfinance organizations regarding their financial performance. With the increased use of SPM in the industry, they recently began corroborating the social performance of MFIs as well. Friendship Bridge is one of the first 24 recipients of their brand new STAR (Socially Transparent and Responsible) Recognition. Two hundred organizations participated. Friendship Bridge is also the first organization to receive recognition in Central America. STAR Recognition is awarded to MFIs that have achieved a high level of compliance with the Social Performance Task Force’s (SPTF) Universal Standards of Social Performance Management (USSPM) as evidenced by the documentation provided by each MFI. Environmental protection policies (not covered by the USSPM) are considered as well. Source: